Rutland Trading Post offers free classified ads for the guttering and metal roofing community. Guttering and roofing professionals who wish to buy, sell or trade new or used gutter machines, downspout machines, metal roll slitter machines, decoilers, seamless gutter bending machines, downspout elbow machines, metal roof panel roll forming machines and other types of gutter equipment or gutter tools are invited to place online free classifieds at Rutland’s Trading Post. Rutland’s website offers substantial traffic in daily website visitors of fellow guttering and roofing professionals and their companies giving Trading Post free classified ads high exposure to qualified buyers and sellers.
Rutland Trading Post classifieds allows free ad posters to select from many different listing categories, upload up to 10 pictures for each ad listing and provide detailed descriptions of up to 7,500 characters to fully describe their equipment. Ads may also incorporate links to online images or videos on other websites including YouTube. Free ad posters may submit up to 15 listings, set them to run from 15 days to 90 days and may also sign in at any time to revise their ads, renew them or cancel them. Trading Post classified listings offer advanced search capabilities by keywords, category, date, city, state, zip code, distance, make and model. E-mail alerts may be set up to provide a heads up when ads are posted that match what buyers are looking for. Buyers can also subscribe to RSS feeds to receive up to date listing additions and changes. There is also a Trading Post Forum for guttering and roofing professionals to initiate or join in beneficial discussions and technical exchanges with their peers. All that is required to post classified ads or participate in the forum discussion boards is to provide a user name, e-mail address and password. E-mail addresses can be protected or hidden as all replies to ad listings or to forum posts are through a blind system, which automatically forwards responses from ads or posts. If however posters wish to share their e-mail, phone, address, business website, etc. that information can be made available in classified ad listings. Classified ad poster account information may be revised at any time. Rutland Trading Post respects it’s users privacy and their e-mail addresses will not be sold or shared to outside companies or lists. No account is required to review or reply to ads.
Please visit and check out Rutland Trading Post Classifieds and avail yourself of the many beneficial features of this free service for guttering and roofing professionals.